Wednesday, 29 October 2008


APARN, in the name of all, congratulates Tiago Lira and Dimitri Andrikopoulos for their graduation.

Aiki Greetings

Thank you note

In the name of all present at last saturday's technical meeting, we would like to thank Rogério Silva Sensei for his availability, patience and commitment to help us all in this journey.

Aiki Greetings,
The Board

Monday, 27 October 2008

4-5/10/2008 - Luc Deweys Sensei

The School of Music and Performing Arts was the perfect set to welcome another international seminar organized by APARN in the past weekend of October 4th and 5th.
In an intimate and familiar environment, those present had the opportunity to absorb the always fascinating knowledges of Luc Deweys Sensei. In every visitation, this Master always makes us find new technique in movements that, although simple and obvious, or perhaps for those same reasons, are often disregarded.
Sensei Deweys took the opportunity to approach basic techniques which, on a higher level, tend to be underestimated, and with this also managed to harmoniously integrate students of diverse graduations. The close contact he is able to maintain with the practitioners allows him to identify each one’s difficulties in order to avoid repeatedly wrong and unnecessary movements or, as it is usually called “parasite movements”. Movements that, quite often expose the use of force when precision is really the purpose within this art.
A really fair testimony of this seminar would mean a post of several pages. In short, at the end of this seminar it remained, as always, the feeling that the individual progression path is still long; as well as the great will to receive Luc Deweys Sensei once more, very soon, so that he may keep up such dedicated and patient work like the one he’s been developing with this faithful group of aikidokas (APARN associates or not) that is as enthusiastic for this art as for its master as well.
Aiki Greetings

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Technical Meeting - October 25th 2008

Rogério Silva Sensei

AIKIDO Technical Meeting: next Saturday, October 25th around 3:00 p.m. at ESMAE - Oporto, instruction provided by Rogério Silva Sensei.
Saturday October 25th 2008
10:00 a.m. – Administrative Procedures
10:30 a.m. – 1st Session (graduates only)
2:45 p.m. – Administrative Procedures
3:00 p.m. – 2nd Session
- Should the above conditions change, a rectification note will be posted in this Blog.
- Participation in the Aikido sessions implies that all aikido practitioners MUST be gathered at the tatami 15 minutes before session start.

Friday, 10 October 2008

Aiki Bugei Dojo - Location: Guimarães

Aiki Bugei Dojo

Location: Rua da Cruz D'argola, nº2, freguesia de Mesão frio,
4810-225 Guimarães

contact: Miguel Costa
cell phone number: (+351) 967085200

latitude - 41º27´14.86´´N
longitude - 8º16´27.40´´ W

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
(reference point - near "Intermarche da Cruz D'argola")